This is the first episode of the Global Girl Life series on the podcast. Shannon Rizzo and Trent Denson are teaming up to bring light to women around the world that are doing amazing work in their communities and beyond. We are releasing this first episode of the series on International Women’s Day so really fitting to be speaking with amazing ladies that are making a positive impact around the world. The first episode is with Aireka Harvell. Aireka is a serial entrepreneur, published author and inspirational speaker and is a really awesome example of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive. She has been developing a mobile app/platform called “nodat”. This app allows you to leave reviews about positive experiences people have at local establishments here in middle TN. There is also a reward/loyalty element involved with the app as well. Her book is called, “Find The Beauty In Your Now”. Everything about being mindful and grateful for where you are now in your life. You can find it on Amazon and other online book platforms. As you can see there are several parallels with Aireka’s philosophies that align with Spread The Positive and Global Girl Life.
We also speak about positive mindset tips, what is “going right” in the world according to Aireka, her “grateful 4” and much more. Shannon has some really great insight on the typical Spread The Positive topics too. Shannon was on the podcast several months ago and had some real gems then too. Both of these ladies live out the core principles of Spread The Positive better than most. Shouts to both of them for all they do and for being on the podcast!