This episode of the podcast is with Dr. Jen Dickens Massie. Dr. Jen is a licensed Physical Therapist, works at a nursing home, and has started her own company called “Jenergy For Life”. She is a walking example of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive. Dr. Jen lives a life dedicated to improving the well being of others. She has a passion for wellness and prevention. That is the whole premise of why she started “Jenergy For Life”, a class designed to help people improve their flexibility, balance, and posture! Dr. Jen has a really positive and contagious energy to her so the name Jenergy For Life is really fitting. Dr. Jen has some really actionable steps to live a more STP type of life. With scientifically proven data showing how to improve your overall morale and outlook on life…this is one of the most informational episodes of the podcast to date. She is actually having a “Jenergy For Life” class this Saturday June 20th, at The Walnut House in Murfreesboro from 9:00-10:00 (am). Be sure to give her a follow on her social media platforms listed below and to attend her Jenergy For Life classes ASAP. Big thanks to Dr. Jen for being on the podcast and all she is doing to Spread The Positive.
Listen now!