Spread The Positive Podcast – Episode 22 – Russ Heasley (Ranger Home Improvement)
https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/spread-the-positive-podcast-episode-22-russ-hensley-ranger-home-improvement Really awesome episode with Russ Hensley, a very talented “home improvement specialist” (much more than your average “Handyman” – we don’t like labels) with his own company called, “Ranger Home Improvement”. Russ served as an Army Ranger, has an incredible work ethic, is one of the most genuinely solid human beings I have come across and is certainly a great example of what we are looking to showcase on the Spread The Positive Podcast. Russ has a long history in construction and project management. He has been at it for a long time. Like roofing his parent’s house when …