Just Ask Your Mom

Moving is hard enough as an adult, how on earth do we juggle doing it with kids!? Just Ask Your Mom hosts Bonnie Blaylock and Renee Sproles join me to talk about everything from finding a home with the right details to fit your family’s needs all the way down to what things you need to have handy as soon as you move. Stress less and have a plan for moving your family down the street or across the country with the great tips talked about in this episode. For more from these moms, follow them @justaskyourmompodcast and follow their …

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Diana Murray with Natures Elite

The FIRST episode of the Rachel Ferrell Show is HERE! On this episode, you’ll hear the why behind the podcast, learn a little about Rachel and hear from Diana Murray at Nature’s Elite about the fantastic products that they provide and the experience they share with our community in the health and wellness space. Listen now!



