Season 4 Premiere

Welcome to the highly anticipated premiere of Season 4 of “Two Bottles Deep”. Hosts Wes and Phillip jump right back into a conversation about pronouns after Phillip has an incident that left him confused and a little angry. Whether you’re a seasoned listener or new to the party, get ready for another amazing season of the award-winning podcast, “Two Bottles Deep”. If you have questions, comments, or show ideas, please reach out ot us at Listen now!

Let’s Talk Comedy

In this episode, we delve into the captivating world of stand-up comedy, and why it can be the perfect hobby or career for someone that doesn’t think they are funny. Nicole joins Phillip in the studio this week to discuss how to get started in comedy, facing stage fright, and how comedy has personally affected both of them. You can see Phillip and Nicole on November 10th, at Third Coast Comedy Club in Nashville for the show “Cheaper Than Therapy”. @thirdcoastcomedyclub Listen now!

Flag Controversy

House Bill 1605, sponsored by Representative Gino Bulso (Republican from Brentwood), is a bill that would prohibit Tennessee public schools from displaying flags other than the American flag, Tennessee state flag, school flag or any flag protected by the Tennessee Heritage Protection Act. Join us as we delve into the arguments for and against this legislation. Tune in to gain insight into this heated issue and ponder the question: should schools have the authority to dictate which flags fly on their grounds? Listen now!

Slow Down and Choose Happiness

Have you ever wanted to slow down and be more present? In a world that is changing so rapidly, sometimes this can be a very hard task. Being able to shift your focus, pay attention to your senses, and disconnect from technology is an art… that we should all work on. Join the guys as they discuss this in their own lives. Listen now!

Let’s Get Dating Straight

The podcast has already covered dating in the gay world and from the perspective of straight women, so today, it’s time to talk to a straight guy. Jeremiah joins the guys in studio to discuss the complex world of modern dating, including rules of texting, the do’s and don’ts on a date, and the red flags to avoid. They finish the episode with a quiz about current dating terms. Listen now!

Halloween History

Do you know why we celebrate Halloween? Join us as we unravel the ancient Celtic rituals that inspired this haunted holiday, explore the origins of trick-or-treating, and discover the fascinating history behind some of the spookiest Halloween legends. Listen now!

Unmasking The Furry Community

In this fur-tastic episode, we dive deep into the world of furries – those folks who have mastered the art of blending human and animal vibes into one fabulously fuzzy existence. Today’s guest, Fiction, helps us understand the origin story of this community as well as the misconceptions. We are on a mission to unravel the mystery behind those colorful fur suits and the incredible creativity that fuels this community. Fiction, thank you so much for your time today and for educating us and our listeners about the furries community. If anyone listening has questions, please reach out to us …

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This is so Random

It’s time for some random news stories that include sneaking animal feces into the country, an alligator emotional support animal, white supremacists, and a pilot on mushrooms. Listen now!

Gay News Updates

In other news, trans women can’t run in the Olympics, screaming fag will make you lose money, who cares who’s drinking Bud Light, and now gay guys can donate blood…sort of.  Listen now!

Two Gay Jews: Three Opinions – Part 1

As of 2023, Jewish people make up .2% of the world’s population, yet, there are currently more anti-semitic crimes aimed towards this group than any other religious group in the world. Scott and Eitan are both Jewish and gay. They join us in the studio to discuss growing up gay in the Jewish faith, the history of Judaism, the differences between Christianity and Judaism, and conspiracy theories about Jewish people. This is Part 1 of 2. Listen now!



