Intersex with James

Why is Intersex included in the LGBTQ alphabet? What happens when one is born intersex? Are you confused what intersex is? Join the guys as they talk to James about how his life was affected by being born Intersex, and the decisions his parents and doctors had to make at birth. Listen now!

Season 3 Premiere

The guys are back for Season 3 and are now on YouTube. Wes and Phillip have rolled into the new season single, so they are back on the prowl. They discuss dating stories which include Wes getting Easter candy in February, and Phillip running into the woods to hide from his Uber driver. With drag queens being banned in Tennessee, they also open the conversation about this very controversial topic. If you have questions or comments, please DM us at @twobottlesdeep or email us at Listen now!

Vivica Steele – Drag Ban Controversy

Vivica Steele, the only drag queen to hold two residencies on Nashville’s most famous street, Broadway, joins the guys to discuss the ban on drag queens in Tennessee. We would love to hear your opinion on this apparently controversial subject matter so email us at Please follow @vivicasteele615 for all of her upcoming events. Listen now!

The word Queer

Do you think using the word Queer is good or bad? The guys dive into this controversial word to discuss how the LBGTQIA+ community accepts this term. Listen now!

Mail Bag #5

Should the guys add a straight co host and change the name of their podcast? Should white people be able to adopt a child from a different race? What do you do when you run into your ex in public? All these and more questions sent in from listeners for the popular “Mail Bag” series. Listen now!

Asexuality with Micah

What does the “A” in LGBTQIA stand for? Asexual! Tik Tok star Micah joins the guys for a conversation about being a part of the Asexual community. Listen now!

Gun Control with Clive Part 2

Clive is back for Part 2 of their discussion on gun control. They tackle universal background checks, red flag laws, the NRA, and Phillip announces his plan on what he would do about the gun problem, if he were a politician. Email: Listen now!

Brittany Aldean Controversy

Brittany Aldean, wife of country superstar Jason Aldean, is in the news after a controversial instragram post that was labeled as “transphobic”. The guys talk through their opinions on this issue. Listen now!

Mail Bag #6

We have our first international letter!! Find out if the guys have changed their stance on Brittney Griner and if you should talk during sex! Listen now!



