My Dad is Gay

Parker shares her story about knowing her dad was gay at a young age and how / when he came out later in life and is now living his life to the fullest. She covers the questions she gets, how mother took the news, and how her dad found love and is living his life to the fullest. Listen now!

Coming Out

October 11 is National Coming Out Day. In today’s day and age, do we still need to come out? Author and speaker Anne Marie Zanzal is back to discuss the importance of coming out. Listen now!

Ep 41 – Internalized Homophobia

Anne-Marie Zanzal joins the guys in the studio to discuss an issue that affects most everyone in the LGB community – internalized homophobia. Also, Wes learns a new word – monolith. Listen now!

Ep 43: Olivia Ruth Hill – Part 1

The guys are joined in the studio by Olivia Ruth Hill, a trans woman, who shares her amazing story. This is part one of two, where Olivia discusses her childhood and how she made the decision to transition. Listen now!

Ep: 33 – Lila McCann

Singer Lila McCann joins the fellas in the studio to talk about her music career and life with her wife and kids after being married to a man for many years. Listen now!

Ep 49: HIV / AIDS w/ Dr Brian McMurray

Dr. McMurray from Music City Prep stops by to discuss HIV, treatments and preventative measures. And how it’s not only affecting the gay community. Listen now!

Navigating Gray – Part 3

Wes and Phillip head to Los Angeles to meet Megan, from season 1, who is raising a trans child. They get caught up on what’s new, and the new struggles the trans community is facing. Listen now!



