Episode 55 – Michael And Nancy Davis (The Nicholas Foundation)

This episode of the podcast is with Michael and Nancy Davis. They are the founders of a non-profit organization in Murfreesboro, TN called “The Nicholas Foundation” (nicholasfoundationboro.org). The foundation is named after Nancy’s late brother Nicholas who was passionate about serving at-risk youth. Michael and Nicholas had conversations about setting up a non-profit to serve before he passed and now Michael and Nancy have officially launched the dream that Nicholas had. They have a program where the mentor at-risk youth through programming in elementary schools. Meeting with kids first thing in the morning at school to set the tone for …

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New Podcast with Jerremy Newsome (Real Life Trading)

https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/episode-54-jeremy-newsome-real-life-trading This episode of the podcast is with Jerremy Newsome. Jerremy has a really incredible story and is the owner/operator of a company called “Real Life Trading”. From a really humble beginning that was very difficult and to a certain extent impoverished, to being the owner an extremely successful company that has allowed him to be financially free to do “whatever he wants” his story is really inspiring. The mission of RLT is simply “to enrich lives”. This sums up Jerremy in a nutshell really well. He is passionate about helping people live the best life they possibly can. He …

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Episode 54 – Jerremy Alexander Newsome – (Real Life Trading)

This episode of the podcast is with Jerremy Newsome. Jerremy has a really incredible story and is the owner/operator of a company called “Real Life Trading”. From a really humble beginning that was very difficult and to a certain extent impoverished, to being the owner an extremely successful company that has allowed him to be financially free to do “whatever he wants” his story is really inspiring. The mission of RLT is simply “to enrich lives”. This sums up Jerremy in a nutshell really well. He is passionate about helping people live the best life they possibly can. He does …

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New Podcast with Sunny Bray (Catalyst Collective/Network Under 40)!

https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/episode-48-sunny-bray-catylst-collective-final This episode of the podcast is with the one and only Sunny Bray. Sunny is the founder of Network Under 40 in Nashville and has recently launched another company called, Catalyst Collective (catalystcollective.co). She is passionate about connecting people, building meaningful relationships, and leveraging these connections to make a positive impact on the community. Pretty much everything we are about. Network Under 40 is a really successful networking chapter here in Nashville that has a great reputation for helping people connect both professionally and on a personal level as well. We have made some really amazing contacts from these …

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Episode 53 – Sunny Bray – (Catalyst Collective/Network Under 40)

This episode of the podcast is with the one and only Sunny Bray. Sunny is the founder of Network Under 40 in Nashville and has recently launched another company called, Catalyst Collective (catalystcollective.co). She is passionate about connecting people, building meaningful relationships, and leveraging these connections to make a positive impact on the community. Pretty much everything we are about. Network Under 40 is a really successful networking chapter here in Nashville that has a great reputation for helping people connect both professionally and on a personal level as well. We have made some really amazing contacts from these events …

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**New Podcast with Cristina Taddonio** Super Inspirational Story! Check it!

https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/episode-52-cristina-taddonio-artist We are starting to do 2 pods a week. Monday and Friday. Start your week with a pod and go into the weekend with a pod! Let us know what you think! This episode of the podcast is with Cristina Taddonio, a musician, artist, and overall inspirational figure. Her story is really amazing. She has overcome so much and still maintains such a positive and optimistic outlook on life. From being born in Nepal, to bouncing around from country to country with her mother being a missionary, ending up having to escape from a dangerous evangelical crazy ministry place …

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Episode 52 – Cristina Taddonio – (Artist)

This episode of the podcast is with Cristina Taddonio, a musician, artist, and overall inspirational figure. Her story is really amazing. She has overcome so much and still maintains such a positive and optimistic outlook on life. From being born in Nepal, to bouncing around from country to country with her mother being a missionary, ending up having to escape from a dangerous evangelical crazy ministry place where women and children were not safe, and was then able to move to America. She has had two very extensive back surgeries that sound like the most painful thing of all time. …

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Monday Motivation – Chawn Bracey (@chawngoodie – Motivator Music)

https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/episode-51-chawn-goodie-motivator-music This episode of the podcast is with Chawn Bracey AKA @chawngoodie with a company called “Motivator Music”. Really positive, uplifting, motivating content creator that is a huge proponent of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive. Chawn has a really awesome story and has overcome some really difficult situations that has led him to create “Motivator Music”. Chawn has worked with motivational speakers from around the world and helped them spread their message to wider audiences. We speak about how he got into content creation, some really crazy stories about getting stranded in Miami, how he maintains …

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Episode 51 – Chawn Goodie – (Motivator Music)

This episode of the podcast is with Chawn Bracey AKA @chawngoodie with a company called “Motivator Music”. Really positive, uplifting, motivating content creator that is a huge proponent of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive. Chawn has a really awesome story and has overcome some really difficult situations that has led him to create “Motivator Music”. Chawn has worked with motivational speakers from around the world and helped them spread their message to wider audiences. We speak about how he got into content creation, some really crazy stories about getting stranded in Miami, how he maintains a …

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P.O. Box Monthly – Episode 2 – January 2019

https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/po-box-monthly-january-2019 The second episode of P.O. Box Monthly is out now on iTunes, Spotify and Soundcloud. Journey and Trent speak about upcoming events/plans for Spread The Positive, a really cool article that showcases “99 Good News Stories You Probably Didn’t Hear About in 2018), and they give some shout-outs to some guests that have been on the podcast recently and some folks that are coming up soon. They are looking for content to share on these monthly outlooks for the podcast. There is a link on the website to submit anything you would like us to discuss on the pod …

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