****Motivational Monday**** New Podcast with Alex Carter (Positive Motives)

https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/episode-45-alex-carter-positive-motives This episode of the podcast is with Alex Carter, a screen printer/graphic designer and owner of a clothing brand called “Positive Motives” (positivemotivesclothing.com). The similarities of the overall mission of both “Positive Motives” and Spread The Positive are very, very similar. The tagline for “Positive Motives” is Spread Peace. Pursue Growth. That is really awesome and everything we are about here at Spread The Positive. On the podcast, we speak about how Alex maintains a positive mindset, what sparked the mission of Positive Motives, future plans, “what’s going right” according to Alex, his #grateful4 and much more. We connected …

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First Episode of P.O. Box Monthly is out now! Please Participate!!

https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/po-box-monthly-1 The first episode of P.O. Box Monthly is out now. The idea is to have our listeners/followers contribute things they would like to be recognized on the podcast. Positive news stories, random/real acts of kindness (RAKs) they have witnessed or been a part of, ideas for events/collaborations, things that are going right in our listener’s world, etc. The form is on the P.O. Box Monthly page on our site and we highly encourage any and everyone to participate. Shoutout to Journey Button for making this happen. Let’s make this a staple of the whole mission. Thank you!

Episode 45 – Alex Carter (Positive Motives)

This episode of the podcast is with Alex Carter, a screen printer/graphic designer and owner of a clothing brand called “Positive Motives” (positivemotivesclothing.com). The similarities of the overall mission of both “Positive Motives” and Spread The Positive are very, very similar. The tagline for “Positive Motives” is Spread Peace. Pursue Growth. That is really awesome and everything we are about here at Spread The Positive. On the podcast we speak about how Alex maintains a positive mindset, what sparked the mission of Positive Motives, future plans, “what’s going right” according to Alex, his #grateful4 and much more. We connected on …

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First Ever P.O. Box Monthly

https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/po-box-monthly-1 Welcome the first ever episode of a brand new branch of Spread The Positive! We are so excited to have an interactive version of the show where YOU can submit your questions and ideas to be discussed by Trent and Journey. We want to use this time to share a positive outlook on the world, our lives, and your questions! Let us know what you want the next show to be about!  

PO Box Monthly – 1

Welcome the first ever episode of a brand new branch of Spread The Positive! We are so excited to have an interactive version of the show where YOU can submit your questions and ideas to be discussed by Trent and Journey. We want to use this time to share a positive outlook on the world, our lives, and your questions! Let us know what you want the next show to be about!

New Podcast with Weston Wax – (Wax Family Printing)

https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/weston-wax-wax-family-printing This episode of the podcast is with Weston Wax, owner of Wax Family Printing. Weston is a third generation business owner of a family printing company in Murfreesboro, TN, father of three kids, married to his wife Mary, and is passionate about making a positive impact on his local community. We speak about how he maintains a positive mindset and outlook, what is going right according to Weston, his Grateful 4 and much more. He has some really great insights on how to live a more positive life. Really grateful to have Weston on and look forward to doing …

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Episode 44 – Weston Wax – (Wax Family Printing)

This episode of the podcast is with Weston Wax, owner of Wax Family Printing. Weston is a third generation business owner of a family printing company in Murfreesboro, TN, father of three kids, married to his wife Mary, and is passionate about making a positive impact on his local community. We speak about how he maintains a positive mindset and outlook, what is going right according to Weston, his Grateful 4 and much more. He has some really great insights on how to live a more positive life. Really grateful to have Weston on and look forward to doing more …

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****New Podcast (Monday Motivation)**** Shannon Rizzo – Global Girl Life

https://soundcloud.com/spreadthepositive/episode-41-shannon-rizzo-global-girl-life This episode of the podcast is with Shannon Rizzo. Shannon owns/operates a company called, “Global Girl Life” (globalgirl.life), does business planning/consulting, and is making a positive impact literally all around the world. With a really incredible story and a drive to create the life she knew she was destined to have, it is easy to see why we wanted to have her on the podcast. We definitely had one of those “supposed to happen” moments that brought us all together. A student of human connection, law of attraction, meditation, mindset practices, different cultures, and more Shannon has some amazing …

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Episode 43 – Shannon Rizzo (Global Girl Life)

This episode of the podcast is with Shannon Rizzo. Shannon owns/operates a company called, “Global Girl Life” (globalgirl.life), does business planning/consulting, and is making a positive impact literally all around the world. With a really incredible story and a drive to create the life she knew she was destined to have, it is easy to see why we wanted to have her on the podcast. We definitely had one of those “supposed to happen” moments that brought us all together. A student of human connection, law of attraction, meditation, mindset practices, different cultures, and more Shannon has some amazing insight …

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Episode 42 – Ryan Rotundo (Special Education Teacher/Advocate/Entrepreneur)

This episode of the podcast is with the one and only Ryan Rotundo. Ryan works as a special education teacher in Weaverville, NC. Through a really special bond with his older sister, Nicole, who has Downs Syndrome, he has always been passionate about making a difference in the lives of people that are differently abled. He has done some truly incredible work in this field. We go over his really impressive resume and hear some incredible examples of “what is going right”. He is just one of the most stand up individuals that we have ever come across. A father …

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