Episode 13 – Bracken Mayo (Murfreesboro Pulse)

This episode is with Bracken Mayo. He is the founder of the Murfreesboro Pulse. The Pulse is going on year 13 and has been a staple in the Murfreesboro community for the start. Bracken is passionate about creating meaningful, positive content highlighting what is going right in the community. Pretty obvious why he is such a great guest for the show. We speak on Bracken’s upbringing, current life, “what is going right” and how he focuses on being a positive/optimistic person in general. Bracken does some really amazing things for this community. From quarterly drum circles where all walks of …

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Episode 12 – George Simpson (Northwest Exterminating)

This episode is with my close friend, George Simpson. George is a Business Development Executive for Northwest Exterminating. He is a great example (most of the time, like the rest of us) of what we are trying to high light on the podcast. George is passionate about his career and the company he represents. His team and people that work for him respect him on a crazy level, he’s really good at making himself laugh (and the others around him), he has a level of integrity that is second to none and I am very grateful to call him my …

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Episode 11 – Ben “B The Truth” Beelman

Episode 11 is with Ben Beelman aka Ben B The Truth. Ben is one of the most all around positive people I have ever met. Originally from FL, Ben has gone on to do work in South Dakota with with Americorps , worked in the Caribbean with Peace Corps, is very active in the spoken word/poetry scene (at a national level), works as a substitute teacher at the High School he graduated from and works as a flight attendant as well. This guy has experienced so much in his life already and has such a vast understanding of the world …

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Jerry Del Colliano Day Starter

Larry Butler episode 10’s guest on the podcast sent me this in an email. It is really on point and was a great reminder of how simple this stuff can be. Thanks to Jerry Del Colliano and his Day Starters for focusing on “Being More Positive”. It seems so basic, but it really is crucial to all of this “life” stuff. Thanks to Larry for sending this my way. MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2018 Being More PositiveThe brain reacts more from negative thoughts than positive. We learn faster from pain than pleasure. When burned, we back off and avoid. Painful experiences …

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Episode 10 – Larry Butler

Larry Butler bio – Did It Music – Nashville – March 2018 Larry Butler has devoted his entire life to the music business, specializing in live performance and touring. Larry played keyboards in Ohio bands during high school and college, also serving as band manager and lead singer. While still in college, he was a successful nightclub owner and local concert promoter in Cincinnati. Also during that time period, his band performed as the opening act for the Rolling Stones, the Beach Boys and the Byrds, among others. He even jammed with Jimi Hendrix once at a late night Northern …

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Episode 9 – Adam Cole (Actor)

This episode is featuring a very close friend of mine and true ambassador of everything Spread The Positive is about. Christopher Adam Cole, (or Coletrain for those who know) is from Asheville, NC and is currently involved with residential framing in the construction world in Western North Carolina and passionately pursuing a career in acting. (I still call dibs on the role of Turtle when you hit Vinny Chase status. I called that early. Ha.) Adam has traveled the world pursuing his passion for acting and has made tremendous strides within the industry for his relatively short time being fully …

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Episode 7 – Pete Adams (Adams Swann)

This episode features Pete Adams with Adams & Swann, a digital marketing, advertising and creative web development firm in Murfreesboro, TN. Pete is a Board Member for Murfreesboro Young Professionals and Rutherford County Emergency Food Bank, a deacon at his church (First Baptist Murfreesboro) and holds his favorite title of “Best Daddy in the World” according to his daughter Aubrey. I have gotten to know Pete through MYP and a golf networking group he is highly involved with called, “Fore Networking”. Looking forward to getting back out there with Fore! Pete is just an optimistic guy in general and someone …

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Episode 2 – Joel Bigelow (Endure Athletics)

Episode 2 is with Joel Bigelow, founder of Endure Athletics. Endure is a nonprofit in Murfreesboro, TN with the mission of facilitating the homeless youth of Rutherford County. Through after school programming, Saturday morning meet ups and other regular outings Joel and his team are doing really incredible work in the lives of these children. We get into a little backstory of what brought Joel to Murfreesboro, what lead to the creation of Endure and how he incorporates positivity into his day to day routines.

Episode 5 – Korey Akers (CrossFit Rampage)

Episode 5 is with Korey Akers of Crossfit Rampage in Murfreesboro, TN. Korey is the owner and head fitness instructor at his own gym and helped me early on when I first moved to Murfreesboro in more ways than he probably realizes. Beyond the fitness advice and encouragement he gave me (while I struggled horribly at attempting to do Cross fit style workouts when I was close to 40 lb. over weight) it was also the way he ran his business, how consistent he was in the way he treated anyone who came in and just how he operated in …

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