This episode of the podcast is with Copernicus Johnson! This guy is an absolute beast when it comes to pretty much every aspect of Spread The Positive. All of his content is very inspirational and he encourages people to push themselves to be the best version of who they are! He is a personal trainer, influencer, business owner, and creator! He has created a brand/online platform called “Action Over Words Lifestyle” or AOW for short that allows people to connect with like minding individuals that are looking to get more physically fit and achieve all of their goals. This episode is one of my favorites to date. Copernicus has some really great insights into the typical STP topics. He has tangible takeaways that can be easily applied to your day to day life. Just an all-around awesome example of everything we are about with Spread The Positive. Be sure to follow him on all of his social media platforms. Definitely looking forward to collaborating with Copernicus more moving forward. Big shouts to him for being on the podcast and all he is doing to Spread The Positive.