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Episode 1 – OJ/Sincere-Univeral Beane

Here is what was originally going to be just a trial run to test out a call in with our super fancy “studio” set up (it’s a macbook and a usb plug in mic ha). It is really, really rough and we welcome any tips or feedback (good or bad). I say, “so to speak” like 1,000 times, sooo that is something I will be working on and obviously the “umms” and stumbling through what we are trying to say. This was done with very little practice or heads up, but with the audio working out decently and it not being straight up horrible…we wanted to go ahead and post it. A little about OJ…OJ works with the at risk and special need children at a local middle school here in Middle Tennessee. He also works part time at the Y here in town as well. Just a stand up guy all around and a perfect person to introduce the podcast with. This episode with OJ really gets the message of what we are trying to accomplish with the Spread The Positive podcast. We get into some examples of how OJ practices being his “best self” with the hopes of creating a contagious effect on the people he interacts with on a daily basis. We also get into a brief history of Spread The Positive and what brought all of this about. Thanks to OJ for being involved and all he does to Spread The Positive.

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