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Episode 16 – OJ/Sincere Beane (Educator/Wellness Coach)

This episode is a follow up from the inaugural test run episode with OJ “Sincere-Universal” Beane. OJ is one of the most genuinely great human beings I have come across. He has been working as a teacher with “at risk” youth since 1999 and is passionate about shaping the minds of the youth. We get into some of his backstory/childhood, some of his fundamental truths, how he focuses on finding the “good” in any situation and much more. To say OJ is an ambassador for everything we are about here at Spread The Positive is a huge understatement. OJ also has a really special bond with Ronde and Tiki Barber (NFL super star twins). We get into some of the really great things they have done on and off the field that are everything Spread The Positive as well. I am super grateful to have crossed paths with this guy and appreciate him on a crazy level. A peaceful warrior that makes a super positive impact in the lives of people he works with in the classroom and in his day to day interactions with friends, acquaintances and strangers. We are looking into having a recurring version of podcast where the two of us co-host the episode and talk with guests. Keep an eye out for that. Thanks for all you do to Spread The Positive OJ.

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