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Episode 19 – Casey Rainey

This episode is with Casey “Rainmaker” Rainey. A financial planner with Raymond James and ridiculously involved with so many causes here in Middle Tennessee, Casey is a textbook example of what we are looking to highlight on our show. One of my all time “Grateful 4’s” is from 3 years ago when I was paired with Casey randomly in a golf tournament at Old Fort Golf Club here in town. (Shout out to Old Fort and “The Superintendent’s Revenge that year). We had met briefly at a Murfreesboro Young Professional’s function, but nothing too in depth. I am a firm believer you can really find out a lot about a person in one round of golf and I did that day for sure. I remember that round very vividly. I was really blown away by the level of genuine concern he had to know about me, what I was involved with and how he could potentially help me in any way. He has certainly done more than he knows to help me personally, but also with some initial advice/guidance on how to approach STP here in Murfreesboro. Just a super stand up guy all around and someone I look up to on a pretty crazy level. Casey has a really impressive resume and it would take a long time to list all of the highlights. To put it briefly he has been very influential with the Board at United Way, he’s the “Godfather” of Murfreesboro Young Professionals, he was recently named one of the “Top 20 Under 40” by VIP Murfreesboro, his attire is always “GQ” official, really talented at the work he does and represents everything Spread The Positive stands for day in and day out. Really grateful for Casey being involve with the podcast, all of the support he has shown us up until this point and for all he continues to do to Spread The Positive! Thank you Casey!

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