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Episode 20 – Joni Thomas (Health and Wellness Advocate)

This episode of the podcast is with Joni Thomas who is a health and wellness advocate in Nashville, TN. Joni has an amazing story and definitely lives a life everything Spread The Positive is all about. We speak about her upbringing in New York City with a mother in show business, then moving to Ohio (having some interesting times there), to being here in Nashville very involved with the music industry as well as a very successful interior designer, to having a TV show, to her current job where she works with doTerra essential oils and more. A fellow ENFP (if you are familiar with Myers Briggs)and someone I personally relate to on a crazy level. This episode gets into how being positive is not always easy and how important it is to make a conscious decision on making focused efforts to be more optimistic, positive and hopeful overall. Joni has some amazing tips and really scientific facts on how to reverse hack being “happier”. We also speak on how Joni was always drawn to the “outsider” type person that would often times not have the most friends or be part of the popular crowd. This is something I think we can all really take a second to consider and look to be better at. One of main themes with Spread The Positive, is a sense of acceptance/tolerance for everyone. Joni speaks on the importance of really trying to finding common ground with any and every one we come in contact with. By recognizing that we are all so similar with basically the same intentions for living a rewarding life, yet the labels and how we always have to pick a side on polarizing subjects cause us to lose sight of this and how it effects the “bigger picture”. Through her practice with doTerra oils and countless causes/organizations that she has been and is currently helping with Joni makes a positive impact on so many people here in Nashville and beyond. Lisa Harless (podcast guest #6) introduced Joni to the podcast/mission, (huge shout out to Lisa as always) and needless to say Joni was a big fan of the idea and wanted to be involved. This episode was needed and touches on many of the key components of what Spread The Positive is founded on. Looking forward to future endeavors with Joni and all of the amazing work she is doing. Huge thank you to Joni for all she does to Spread The Positive.

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