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Episode 26 – Beau Ash (Wellness Advocate)

This episode of the podcast is with Beau Ash a Functional Fitness Coach and Yoga Instructor in Phoenix, AZ and super awesome example of everything Spread The Positive. A mutual friend of ours (Tory) told me to reach out to Beau about being on the podcast and connecting in general. I am very grateful she did that. Beau has a really awesome story from growing up in a town with 800 people in it in North Dakota, to 10 years in the Air Force, to finding his passion for coaching others on their fitness journey it all has been really commendable. Beau has some great tips and routines that help him maintain a positive/optimistic mindset. I have already put some of them in place. We also speak on Beau’s deep appreciation for hip-hop and the forever changing world that all of that encompasses. This is something I can personally relate to on a crazy level. We share that we have both been the bud of some jokes due to this love but it is something that we are both eternally #grateful4. There were several “slow clap” worthy moments from this one. Beau is just a really solid example of everything we are trying to showcase. If you are in the PHX area and need fitness instruction @yogihybrid is your guy. Looking forward to keeping in touch with Beau and all he has going on. Thanks again for being on the show and all you do to Spread The Positive.

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