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Episode 38 – Katy Robbins – (Survivor/Cardinal Mortgage/Bark Happy)

This episode of the podcast is with Katy Robbins. Katy is a breast cancer survivor, loan officer, dog rescue advocate, event planner and more. Her story is really powerful and hearing all of it and how surviving cancer changed her life really puts things in perspective. She is a huge animal advocate and works closely with animal rescues in Middle TN. She does fundraising and event planning for multiple nonprofits and is just a really great example of what we are trying to showcase on this podcast. Katy has some really great tips/routines for maintaining a positive mindset/outlook on life, her appreciation for life is very refreshing and all of the positive endeavors she facilitates is very inspiring. Really grateful to have crossed paths with Katy. Looking forward to collaborating on some events in the future with her. Thank you for all you do to Spread The Positive Katy!

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