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Episode 39 – Olga Alexeeva

This episode of the podcast is with Olga Alexeeva. Olga has an incredible story and is an artist/art teacher in Nashville, TN. She is very involved with the art community, she uses art to raise awareness for multiple nonprofits, healthy living, alternative medicines and all kinds of other endeavors that all embody Spread The Positive as a whole. She was born in Moscow. Russia where she went on to be a successful actress there and was able to come to America as a refugee. Being a single mom and trying to figure out the major cultural change here in the US Olga had to be very mentally tough to survive and did an incredible job providing for herself and her son. A really incredible story and now she is thriving with two art galleries in Nashville and an art studio on Nolensville Pike where she teaches art classes. Just a really great example of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive. We have big plans with Olga and everything she is doing to collaborate on doing what we do best, spreading positivity and efforts that are working towards a better collective community! Huge thank you to Olga for being on and everything she does to Spread The Positive.

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