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Episode 4 – Chris And Don Day (Intero Real Estate)

This episode is with the father-son, real estate powerhouse duo Chris and Don Day. I was really excited to sit down with both of these guys and pick their brains on how they have become such great examples of pretty much everything we stand for here at Spread The Positive. Don is a national public speaker that has shared the stage with some of the top motivational speakers in the world. Him and Chris both are very involved with a monthly series called, “Super Friday” that is a way to give back to a community they feel has given so much to them. I have attended several of these events and honestly look forward to them quite a bit. I have only missed one since the first one I attended. Don speaks on many topics like his faith, mindset, productivity, mindset and just all around knowledge of what motivates people to really strive to be their best and positivity is usually a very common theme throughout all of his content. On a very similar note, Chris is one of the most stand up human beings I have come across. Among many of his other accomplishments, Chris has been instrumental in the formation of Murfreesboro Young Professionals, which has really grown into something special with the community. Chris has also served on countless other boards throughout his time here in the area and is just a genuinely great individual. Super family oriented and focused on where he wants to go in life. Chris has some of my favorite social media feeds of anyone I know (personally or famous). It is either him with his family or uplifting quotes, pictures, thoughts and more that just put others in a better frame of mind without even realizing it. Another thing we are obviously all about here at Spread The Positive. I can honestly say I look up to both of these guys on a pretty crazy level and again I am so thankful for the opportunity to speak with them about what they do to Spread The Positive.

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