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Episode 40 – Lorenzo Washington (Jefferson Street Museum)

This episode of the podcast is with Mr. Lorenzo Washington. Lorenzo is the father of Ryan Washington with Foresight Community/Foresight Fitness who was on episode 33 of the pod. He has been in Nashville for 70 plus years and has a really incredible story. Starting a life of entrepreneurship at the age of 12, by working as a shoe shiner in downtown Nashville, Lorenzo has gone on to own restaurants, music studios, commercial cleaning businesses and more. His most recent project is the “Jefferson Street Museum”. Jefferson Street has a rich history similar to Beale Street in Memphis and the museum/rehearsal hall preserves all of the legendary music and cultural influence that originated on Jefferson Street. Do need to give a big shout out to our new co-host, Journey Button as well. This was our first episode with her being involved and she did an awesome job. Really pumped to have her help with the whole mission. The three of us speak about the typical Spread The Positive topics like “what is going right” according to Lorenzo, how he maintains a positive mindset, how he has overcome extremely difficult situations, how he cares so deeply for his community and more. This was a really awesome experience and we highly encourage all of our listeners to check out the museum. We look forward to future collaborative efforts with Lorenzo and really appreciate him being on the podcast. Big thank you to Lorenzo for all he does to Spread The Positive.

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