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Episode 42 – Ryan Rotundo (Special Education Teacher/Advocate/Entrepreneur)

This episode of the podcast is with the one and only Ryan Rotundo. Ryan works as a special education teacher in Weaverville, NC. Through a really special bond with his older sister, Nicole, who has Downs Syndrome, he has always been passionate about making a difference in the lives of people that are differently abled. He has done some truly incredible work in this field. We go over his really impressive resume and hear some incredible examples of “what is going right”. He is just one of the most stand up individuals that we have ever come across. A father of three, business owner, advocate, super involved with his community/Church and works fulltime in special needs education. It’s incredible how he does it all, so it’s easy to see why we wanting to speak to him about typical Spread The Positive topics. We speak about “what is going right in his world”, how he maintains a positive mindset, how he deals with difficult situations, his #grateful 4, and much more. This one was really overdue, considering we go back to 3rd grade and has been a “friend of the mission” since we started. Really glad we got it done. Huge thank you to Ryan for being on the show and all he does to Spread The Positive.

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