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Episode 43 – Shannon Rizzo (Global Girl Life)

This episode of the podcast is with Shannon Rizzo. Shannon owns/operates a company called, “Global Girl Life” (, does business planning/consulting, and is making a positive impact literally all around the world. With a really incredible story and a drive to create the life she knew she was destined to have, it is easy to see why we wanted to have her on the podcast. We definitely had one of those “supposed to happen” moments that brought us all together. A student of human connection, law of attraction, meditation, mindset practices, different cultures, and more Shannon has some amazing insight into what it takes to live a positive/impactful life. Also, shout-out to Journey Button for being a co-host on this episode. She did an amazing job. Journey and Shannon definitely connected on a special level right out of the gate and we have big plans to collaborate with Shannon and her work in the near future. (What up Cuba?) Really grateful to have crossed paths with Shannon and to hear her speak her truth on the Spread The Positive topics. The overall mission with Spread The Positive and Global Girl Life are ridiculously similar. We are going to do some big things together. Huge thank you to Shannon for being on the podcast and all she does to Spread The Positive.
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