This episode of the podcast is with Jerremy Newsome. Jerremy has a really incredible story and is the owner/operator of a company called “Real Life Trading”. From a really humble beginning that was very difficult and to a certain extent impoverished, to being the owner an extremely successful company that has allowed him to be financially free to do “whatever he wants” his story is really inspiring. The mission of RLT is simply “to enrich lives”. This sums up Jerremy in a nutshell really well. He is passionate about helping people live the best life they possibly can. He does that by teaching people how to understand money and invest it wisely in proven stock market trading practices. Jerremy is also involved with community outreach efforts and does a lot of philanthropic work. He makes inspirational content, encourages people to learn through book recommendations, and overall has a really positive impact on numerous people’s lives. He has some really insightful points on the typical podcast topics and is genuinely a super positive, optimistic guy. Very grateful to have Jerremy involved with Spread The Positive and look forward to working with him on future collaborations.