This episode of the podcast is with Ryan Horony. Ryan is a really remarkable individual that has done some truly incredible things in his life. From being on a submarine for the Navy, to being on the front lines leading troops in Afghanistan, to working with legislators to help at-risk youth have better access to computer literacy, to even being a teacher of a “positive philosophy” curriculum developed by the University of Pennsylvania and the US Army to help soldiers/vets and much more, Ryan is an amazing example of everything we are looking to showcase here at Spread The Positive. When folks like Ryan say, “That was awesome. I feel so good” after doing a podcast with us it makes it really clear as to why we do this. Even if we have zero listens to this episode it is really awesome giving folks like Ryan a chance to share their story/why they believe spreading positivity is important! Ryan’s newest endeavor “The Fox and Goat Coffee Company” has a really amazing story too! Check them out on all social media platforms. @foxandgoatcoffee. This one really hit home on why Spread The Positive exists. Ryan’s story and why he has done all he has is ultimately for the “greater good” in one way or another. It’s super commendable all he is done and his outlook on life after everything he has been through. He has some really great insight on the usual topics of the pod too. Big thank you to Ryan for being on the podcast and all he does to Spread The Positive.
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