The episode of the podcast is with Caleb Bryant. Caleb is a real estate investor out of Huntsville, AL. A really stand up guy that specializes in the multifamily aspect of commercial real estate. He owns and manages several large apartment complexes and is always on the lookout for the next deal. Caleb and his team are passionate about adding value and creating better housing conditions with the properties they acquire. The host of “The Relentless Investor Podcast” where he gives priceless information and tips to be successful at investing in real estate. Caleb is a really great example of Spread The Positive and what we are looking to bring light to. He recently did a race where he raised over $7,500 to help raise awareness for mental health awareness. He is always posting motivational and relatable content and is a genuinely good person. Definitely looking forward to future collaborations and be able to incorporate all he has going with Relentless Capital Group with “The Network” we are building with STP. He has some really awesome tips and routines for maintaining a positive mindset, very big on personal development and being a better version of yourself every day, he has some great examples of “what’s going right” and much more. Anyone looking to learn more about real estate investing should definitely check out Relentless Capital Group online and check out “The Relentless Investor Podcast” anywhere you typically listen to podcasts on. Big thank you to Caleb for being on the podcast and all he is doing to “Spread The Positive”.
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