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Episode 84 – Caitlin Grenier – (Whole Vibrance/Party Like A Diabetic)

This episode of the podcast is with Caitlin Grenier. A truly amazing example of everything Spread The Positive is about! Caitlin has a really amazing story and is doing some incredible work with her work as a Health Coach and with a company, she started called, Party Like A Diabetic or PLAD for short! Both of these passions of hers are changing lives for the better. As the founder of her own Health Coaching company called Whole Vibrance and the work she is doing with PLAD is making a really positive impact with people all around the world. She has such a great outlook on life is all about helping people live a more positive, healthy and optimistic life! Obviously, everything we are looking to showcase on the podcast. Caitlin has some really amazing tips/routines for people to implement that will help them live their lives to the fullest. She also has some great examples of what is going right and how to be aware of the energy you are carrying! Check out the whole episode for the full rundown. We are definitely really grateful to have crossed paths with Caitlin and are looking forward to future collabroations with all she has going on. Side note: she won an award for the fewest amount of “ums” to ever happen on the pod! Award ceremony coming soon! Ha. Be sure to check out Caitlin’s social media profiles for PLAD and Whole Vibrance at the links below. Instagram: @partylikeadiabetic @wholevibrance Huge thank you to Caitlin for being on the pod and for all she is doing to Spread The Positive!

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