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Episode 9 – Adam Cole (Actor)

This episode is featuring a very close friend of mine and true ambassador of everything Spread The Positive is about. Christopher Adam Cole, (or Coletrain for those who know) is from Asheville, NC and is currently involved with residential framing in the construction world in Western North Carolina and passionately pursuing a career in acting. (I still call dibs on the role of Turtle when you hit Vinny Chase status. I called that early. Ha.) Adam has traveled the world pursuing his passion for acting and has made tremendous strides within the industry for his relatively short time being fully involved. I will work on getting a link to his work. Anyway, from playing basketball on lowered goals in various neighborhoods to constantly trying to figure this thing called life out for the past 25 or so years, we have grow together and I’m really grateful for this guy’s friendship. As we get into on the episode it was actually his voicemail greeting that sparked the trigger for what has ultimately become Spread The Positive. “Hey this is Adam, sorry I missed your call. HOPE YOU’RE SPREADING THE POSITIIIVE. Leave me a message and I’ll call you back.” I said, “Man I hope I’m spreading the positive too, If I’m not doing anything else I’m going to do that”. Not even entirely sure what it actually meant at the time, I recognized that moment in time set something off in my brain that I will never forget. I have people ask me what is “Spread The Positive” all the time, this episode of the podcast is officially my answer. We get into the real bread and butter of what Spread The Positive is, where it came from and what it hopefully will be. So glad we finally got some of this recorded and looking forward to many more episodes with Coletrain and TD on the mic. Thanks for all you do to Spread The Positive.

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