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Eric Fisher – Finowr Creations

This episode of the podcast is with Eric Fisher! Eric is a really awesome example of everything Spread The Positive. He is very active in his community, he has a successful career in corporate health care and recently founded a story production company called Finowr Creations. Eric has always been into movies and storytelling. The work he is doing with Finowr is really awesome and allows him to pursue his creative side. He does interviews with people that are doing amazing work in the community and then makes content highlighting the people. Very STP in every way. Bringing light to what is going right and doing other content like movie reviews are the main components of Finowr. Be sure to follow Finowr on all of their social media platforms. Check out their Patreon page to become a supporter of what they are doing! It was really awesome speaking with Eric about the typical STP topics. He has some really great insight on ways to maintain a positive mindset and some really awesome examples of what is going right! Eric and host Trent Denson are both active volunteers with Endure Athletics. We always like to give a shout out to everything Endure has going on. Literally changing lives and Eric has been an instrumental part of the work they are doing. Just an all-around happy genuinely good person out here making content about things that are working and making a positive impact. Really in line with everything we are doing here at STP! Looking forward to future endeavors with Eric and pumped to see everything that comes from the work he is doing with Finowr Creations! As always thank you for being on the podcast and all you are doing to Spread The Positive Eric!

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