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Kick Off Event – First RAK Em Up Challenge Benefitting Second Harvest Food Bank

We are having a “Kick Off Event” for Spread The Positive on September 20th at “The Warehouse” event space in Murfreesboro, TN. We are partnering with “Second Harvest Food Bank” to raise money to provide over 2,000 meals for people in need here in the Middle TN area. There will be music, food, and drinks provided by Key City Spirits (craft spirits out of NC). During the event, there will be an opportunity to network, hang out, dance, have all the fun, spread some positivity and more. There will also be a brief presentation on the mission of Spread The Positive and future plans.

In addition, we will be announcing the winner(s) of the first ever “RAK Em Up Challenge”. Throughout the month of August, we will be promoting an effort to get people to submit articles, pictures, videos, etc. of “random acts of kindness” that they either witness, do for someone or receive from others. From what we get submitted we are going to let some of the sponsors from this event pick some of their favorite submissions to win prizes like, gift cards, donated items, Spead The Positive Merch, and more. It’s going to be awesome!

Huge thank you to Becky Lanham with The Warehouse for she has done to facilitate this event and what we are doing! Please come out and support however you can! Thank you!

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