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Lauren Simpson – The Chrysalis Method

This episode of the podcast is with Lauren Simpson. Lauren is a Physical Therapist by trade and has started a company called Chrysalis! Chrysalis is a 12-week, online post-operative program designed specifically for women who have had breast surgery so that they can recover better and return to life more quickly. Lauren developed this program after seeing a large gap in the recovery process after women had surgery from breast cancer, several who were family members and close friends. Her passion for the work they are doing through The Chrysalis Method is so clear to see and really inspiring to say the least. Movement, Nutrition and Online Support are the three key pillars to what is involved with their program. The online community is one of the most impactful parts of the whole operation. Being able to provide this type of support system for people that may not have anyone else in their life is a really powerful thing. Everything about what Lauren is doing is a great example of “what is going right”. She has a really amazing story and has some great insights on the typical STP topics. Be sure to follow Chrysalis on social media and check out the website at Big thanks to Lauren for being on the podcast and all she is doing to Spread The Positive!

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