Here at Spread The Positive we record a weekly radio show for Coach Scott Oatsvalle and Dr. Jae Hitson at Transformation Life Centers. “The Coach’s Health Show” airs on Sundays on 99.7WTN in Nashville for the LT360 Coaches Heath Show at 10am and 6pm! On this episode of the show Dr. Jae and Coach Scott are talking about ways they are helping patients with “Depression and Anxiety” issues. The results they are seeing with their nutrition programs, state of the art chiropractic services and with their Life Coaching program is truly amazing. We have a segment on the show where we speak about how Spread The Positive was birthed from founder Trent Denson experiencing his own issues with mental health, including depression and anxiety. It’s a real honor to have this partnership with Transformation Life Centers. If you are looking to get healthy at a Cellular Level and truly live your most fulfilling life I highly recommend checking out TLC.
Instagram & FB: @transformationlifecenters, @coachscottoatsvall, @janelhitson.
Big shouts to the whole team at TLC. We appreciate the opportunity to be a part of “The LT360 Coach’s Health Show”!