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New Podcast Alert! Ladawna Parham (Executive Director of Nourish Food Bank)

This episode of the podcast is with Ladawna Parham! Ladawna is the Executive Director of Nourish Food Bank. The mission of Nourish is to feed families/people and fuel hope within the middle TN region. Ladawna is also a Diplomat with the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce and is always active in making a positive impact in the community. She was very instrumental in opening the new “Hub” of Nourish Food Bank that also houses other nonprofits like Endure Athletics (a common shout out on the pod), Junior Achievement, Community Help Partners and CLIFF all under the same roof providing a variety of community outreach endeavors that are making a very positive impact. Ladawna has a really awesome story and is a great example of everything we are about with Spread The Positive. Be sure to check out everything Nourish has going on.

Big thanks to Ladawna for being on the podcast, being a member of the network, and everything she is doing to Spread The Positive!

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