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NEW Podcast with Jacob Martin!

This episode of the podcast is with Jacob Martin. From the about page on his website (…

“Jacob Martin’s relationship with music deepened at age 8 when he was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.  Paralyzed from the waist down the Shriners Hospital provided critical care as Jacob battled this debilitating disease.  While the Shriners helped him fight the physical battle he focused his emotional and mental energy on music.  Lyrics from the Michael Card song Meditation / Baptism “ The deaf will hear, and the dumb will talk, The blind will see, and the lame will walk” played over and over in my head.  It gave me the strength to physically pull myself up and begin to push through my recovery.  Music has quite literally saved my life,” he professed.”

Needless to say, Jacob has a really inspiring story and has overcome so much in his life. In addition to a successful music career, Jacob is also passionate about empowering children who have similar battles/obstacles that he has dealt with in the past. He has a “Bandtwango” campaign called “YES We Can” that he is currently promoting to raise money for a tour of children’s hospitals around the country. He recently went to the Center for Courageous Kids in Scottsville, KY to sing and hang out with the kids. Not a real spoiler alert but he said it was moving beyond words. Long story short, Jacob is just a really great human being that is utilizing a platform he has created through a ridiculous amount of hard work to encourage others that they can do the same thing and really anything is possible. Big shout out to Lisa Harless with Regions Bank (per usual) for the introduction and ultimately making all of this happen. Really #grateful4 crossing paths with Jacob and having him involved with the Spread The Positive Community. Thank you for being on the podcast and for all you are doing to Spread The Positive Jacob!

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