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New Podcast with Jim Furbush

This episode of the podcast is with Jim Furbush. Jim is a Regional Executive with Itex Nashville, an online bartering system designed to help business owners offer their services and or products for “Itex dollars” to use for operating their business. Jim is definitely a great example of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive. In the episode we speak on Jim’s upbringing, how his father really influenced him to focus on building relationships with people/genuinely caring about their wellbeing before the money, how he focuses on keeping a positive mindset in difficult situations and much more. It was a real pleasure speaking with Jim and hearing how he approaches life in general. I have crossed paths with Jim several times at networking events and you can tell that Jim is living his passion. Huge thank you to Jim for being on the podcast and all he does to Spread The Positive.

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