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Queer and Now: Unravelling LGBTQ News

Today, we are delving into the ever-changing world of LGBTQ news. Join Wes and Phillip as they explore current issues affecting the LGBTQ community. First up is the controversial bill just recently passed in Florida that led to the removal of all books featuring LGBTQ characters from libraries and school media centers. We stay in Florida for the second story involving lowering the death penalty threshold and why that may or may not be a good idea.

Next up, the guys discuss what happens when a straight man realizes he is in a gay bar and the dramatic reaction he has. Finally, they discuss a news story that affects them personally regarding the upcoming election for mayor in Franklin, TN. This is the story of a MAGA-supporting candidate, Gabrielle Hanson, and her previous prostitution and money laundering charges, as well as her attempts to ban Pride in that town. 

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