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Spread The Positive Podcast – Episode 22 – Russ Heasley (Ranger Home Improvement)

Really awesome episode with Russ Hensley, a very talented “home improvement specialist” (much more than your average “Handyman” – we don’t like labels) with his own company called, “Ranger Home Improvement”. Russ served as an Army Ranger, has an incredible work ethic, is one of the most genuinely solid human beings I have come across and is certainly a great example of what we are looking to showcase on the Spread The Positive Podcast. Russ has a long history in construction and project management. He has been at it for a long time. Like roofing his parent’s house when he was 10 years old BY HIMSELF. Insane. Russ has an amazing story, that we speak on and we also cover the typical STP subjects like, positive mindset tips, gratitude practices, what Russ thinks “is going right” in the world and more. Really grateful to have Russ on the podcast and for all he does to Spread The Positive!

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