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Spread The Positive Podcast – Episode 23 – Shawn Coss and Michael Nemitz (Any Means Necessary Clothing)

****DISCLAIMER**** There is quite a bit of profanity in this episode, not really suitable for children (and beyond…use discretion with this episode). This one would have a parental advisory sticker on it…if that was a thing on podcasts.

This episode features Shawn Coss and Michael Nimitz. These guys have created a brand called, “Any Means Necessary”. Coming in up in Akron, OH these guys have overcome some real adversity to create this brand. They are very honest and do not hold back when it comes to verbalizing how they really feel. Ha. Again quite a bit of cursing on this episode and quite a bit different than what we have been doing thus far on the podcast. This episode is a great example of how positivity can be found in many different ways. One of the main focuses of this podcast is for people to share any and everything they find positivity in. Although most of the art that is used for the clothing for “Any Means Necessary” is pretty “dark/gothic” they still have an overall mission of creating a culture of people that don’t give up on life and will do what it takes to live the life that they want to. That is definitely STP all around. Both of these guys have had very, very difficult situations and life setbacks that have led them to where they are now in life. Another disclaimer is that there are some pretty traumatic experiences that are brought up in this conversation. This type of episode was needed, to show that even through some of the hardest situations you can draw up that both of these guys never gave up and are living their dream creating a clothing brand that represents everything they stand for. One of their main focuses through the building of “Any Means Necessary” is to raise awareness for “Mental Health”. They have donated thousands of dollars and have participated in countless events, fundraising, etc to help with efforts in the mental health field. Everything about these guys is really inspiring and we are definitely pulling for them with all that they are doing. Thanks again to Shawn and Michael for all they are doing to Spread The Positive. ****Listener discretion is advised.****

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