This episode of the podcast is another follow up with two of the biggest advocates and supporters of Spread The Positive…Copernicus Johnson and Tylor Gentry! We recorded this episode right in the middle of the nationwide protest around the murder of George Floyd. It was an emotional time for all of us and we took the time to jump on the mics and get some of our thoughts out and recorded. Super grateful for both of these guys and being able to have these conversations. We are all in this together and all truly want the same thing. The turmoil and chaos that has come to light from the pandemic and all of the blatant systematic racism that plagues our country and world is getting exposed and we are going to be on the right side of this. Spread The Positive, Be Ambitious and let your Actions be louder then your Words! Big things on deck with a new podcast we are starting with the three of us and our good friend Michael Richardson! What’s going right is about to be on the forefront and Spread The Positive is THAT vehicle! Let’s go!