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WOA Finale: Champions Movie Review!

For the final episode of the season, WOA switches modes and becomes the movie review source you didn’t know you needed. We have folks from the Fairview Day Program, Jimmy Parnell and Hannah Rose, come down to join hosts Matt Moore and Trent Denson. In addition, Waves Early Learning Program Director Regina Wilson and her son Eric Wilson, who is a part of the Waves Employment Program, join the episode. Everyone sits down and reviews the movie Champions, starring Woody Harrelson. Champions released this year and tells the story of a former minor-league basketball coach who is assigned a court order to manage a team of basketball players with intellectual disabilities. We couldn’t think of a better team to review Champions than our Waves Adults who can offer an honest opinion on whether the film accurately portrayed the community of disabilities. Listen to Hannah, Jimmy, Eric, and Matt all give their reviews, sharing their favorite and least favorite things about the movie. Gina also offers her opinions having watched it from the perspective of a mother to a son with disabilities. She shares her hesitations and worries going into the film but ultimately loved the message and conclusion of the story (barring one exception). Trent goes over the plot of the film with the table and the whole crew decides the movie was a raving success! This podcast is made possible through partnerships with Spread the Positive, TN’s Department of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, and the Community Foundation of Middle TN. If you like what you hear, share it with a friend and leave a review on any streaming service. Got an idea for a guest, email us at

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