October “Women Nourishing our Community” Recipient!

Really excited to announce the winner of the “Women Nourishing Our Community Award” for October! This lady is a member of the STP Network and an all-around great example of everything we are about with Spread The Positive! October’s recipient of this award is none other than Missy Lay! Missy Lay, the owner of Wild Goose Chase Events, does so much for this community. When she is not running a small business that provides entertainment for birthdays, groups and businesses, she also works for Rutherford CABLE, an organization dedicated to advancing women across our community. For the past two years, …

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Bill Wilson – Mr. Murfreesboro

This episode of the podcast is with Mr. Murfreesboro himself Mr. Bill Wilson. Bill has a really deep history in Murfreesboro, TN (clearly), he is actually a fifth-generation descendant of this area and is passionate about making this the best place it can be. He has overcome some really crazy obstacles and is a real story of redemption. Bill is active in community-oriented efforts on a regular basis and is constantly bringing light to what is going right here in Middle TN. We speak about the “Love Your Neighbor” events that happen on the square that bring all walks of …

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“RealLife” Radio Host Anna Marie with Mix 929

This episode of the podcast is with the one and only Anna Marie host of “RealLife with Anna Marie” from Mix 929. Anna Marie has been a staple in the Nashville radio community for over 20 years. She is an incredible example of everything we are about at Spread The Positive. All of her shows and content has the mission of “making people feel good”. Not only through good music and radio segments but also with real community outreach efforts. Mix 929 as a whole is great embodiment of Spread The Positive in general. They have an ongoing “kindness counts” …

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Copernicus Johnson – AOW, Personal Trainer, Fitness Influencer

This episode of the podcast is with Copernicus Johnson! This guy is an absolute beast when it comes to pretty much every aspect of Spread The Positive. All of his content is very inspirational and he encourages people to push themselves to be the best version of who they are! He is a personal trainer, influencer, business owner, and creator! He has created a brand/online platform called “Action Over Words Lifestyle” or AOW for short that allows people to connect with like minding individuals that are looking to get more physically fit and achieve all of their goals. This episode …

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Lauren Simpson – The Chrysalis Method

This episode of the podcast is with Lauren Simpson. Lauren is a Physical Therapist by trade and has started a company called Chrysalis! Chrysalis is a 12-week, online post-operative program designed specifically for women who have had breast surgery so that they can recover better and return to life more quickly. Lauren developed this program after seeing a large gap in the recovery process after women had surgery from breast cancer, several who were family members and close friends. Her passion for the work they are doing through The Chrysalis Method is so clear to see and really inspiring to …

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STP Network Member Spotlight – Recap and Information on Oct. 23rd Event!

Here is a quick recap video from the first STP Network Member Spotlight at Walnut House! We had a great panel including Dr. Jae Hitson, Tylor Gentry, William Hannah and Patrice Turek! Music provided by Jeff Woods and Karim. Both really awesome examples of everything STP! Big thank you to Karsten Ferguson for the great recap video. Be sure to give him a follow at @ferghe on Instagram. He is great at what he does and an even better example of someone living out Spread The Positive’s mission! These events showcase around 10 of our Network Members, we have a …

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CHARM – Dr. Heidi Pottinger and Nisa Stover Talavera

This episode of the podcast is with two amazing ladies out of the Tuscon, AZ. Dr. Heidi Pottinger and Miss Nisa Stover Talavera. Heidi is the Founder and Executive Director of Child Health & Resilience Mastery (aka CHARM) and Nisa is the Founding Vice-Chair of CHARM and also the owner and innkeeper of Hacienda Corona Bed & Breakfast. The work they are doing with CHARM is really amazing! CHARM’s mission statement goes as follows… “CHARM is a qualifying charitable organization based in Nogales, Arizona. We provide unique strengths- and evidence-based experiences, education and training, and health-promoting resources to improve well-being, …

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Amanda Waller – MannieBear Technologies

This episode of the podcast is with Amanda Waller! Just an all-around amazing example of everything we are about with Spread The Positive. She is highly experienced in the Healthcare and Cybersecurity space and is the CEO/Founder of an amazing company called MannieBear Technologies! Mannie Bear is a behavioral health technology company hyper-focused on building innovative platforms and tools that aid in bridging the gap between therapists and children. They are creating gaming solutions that help therapists learn what children are really struggling with based on the answers kids give while they are playing the games. It really is a …

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Kevin Fehr – Entrepreneur Serving The Geriatric/Veteran Populations (Amada Senior Care/CommuniServe)

New episode of the podcast with Kevin Fehr! Kevin is the CEO/President of Amada Senior Care and is the Founder/Chairman of the Board of a nonprofit called Communiserve that aids the elderly veteran population. Kevin found his passion for providing health care and assistance to the geriatric population from his own experience being a caretaker for his Grandfather. After being in sales in the pharmaceutical industry Kevin and his wife Kelly decided to move to Nashville, TN to start a senior care company. Amada Senior Care is going on five years and have helped thousands of families with senior care …

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Dr. Zachary Ditmarsen – Aspiring Health Clinic of Chiropractic

This episode of the podcast is with Dr. Zac Dimarsen of Aspiring Health Clinic of Chiropractic! Dr. Zac lives out the mission of Spread The Positive on a crazy level. He is passionate about helping his clients with their chiropractic needs/honing his craft, he is very active in the fitness/wellness community, he is involved with multiple community-oriented causes, and deeply cares about leaving this world better than he found it. Dr. Zac is the owner of his own practice where he specializes in the Gonstead System of chiropractic care. He is passionate about learning and is a very avid reader. …

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