David Weill III, Owner of Steak & Shake Murfreesboro Joins the Show

Welcome back to the 11th Hour with Pastor Mike! Today he is sitting down with David Weill III talking about entrepreneurship and owning a business/franchise. David is the owner of Steak & Shake here in Murfreesboro! Listen in for all the insights and information from someone really living the life. As always check out the Nicholas Foundation at nicholasfoundationboro.org!  

Academics and Athletics

Welcome back to the 11th Hour Podcast! Today Pastor Mike is speaking about the delicate balance between “academics and athletics”. Our student athletes have more pressure than ever to deliver on both fronts nowadays. Being able to keep up with all the things demanded on and off the field is such a hard thing to do. Pastor Mike is very involved with this with his kids and has already done it once with his oldest son that is playing football in College. Listen in for all the wisdom and greatness THE Pastor Mike brings in this episode!  

Birthday Episode – “No more tip toeing”

What’s up everybody? Trent here coming to you with a super vulnerable episode of the STP Pod. I think it’s the first time I’ve ever released an episode with it just me…that’s pretty crazy in itself. Probably going to be a more common occurrence moving forward. Feels good not going to lie. Anyway, I woke up feeling super inspired today and just wanted to share some thoughts and a prayer I recorded last night after officially turning 36 years old. Thank you to everyone that has been involved in this journey so far. I’m super blessed and so thankful for …

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Brandon Stansell – Openly Gay Country Music Artist, Advocate, & More

Super special episode of the STP Podcast featuring Brandon Stansell! Brandon is an openly gay country music singer/songwriter/artist! He has a really incredible story and is passionate about being a source of hope and inspiration for people that are in similar situations as him. He recently was part of a super powerful documentary called, “Three Cords and a Lie” that documents his life and tells the story of coming out in a Southern Baptist Christian household. It’s a gut-wrenching story that way too many people experience. Brandon is definitely a light and a great example of all things STP. His …

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Let’s Talk Real Estate – Konica and Torrence Join the Show

Welcome back to the 11th Hour Podcast with Pastor Mike! Today he is sitting down with two real estate professionals, Konica and Torrence. Konica is a Realtor with Realtor Arbitrage Brokers and Torrence is a Southeast Area Manager with Preferred Lending. They are going to get into all of the in’s and out’s of navigating the home buying process! Great info! Tune in!  

Jamie Jackson joins the show

Today we have special guest Jamie Jackson in studio! Jamie works at Pinnacle Financial Partners in Nashville, she is passionate about fitness, she is a travel enthusiast, and much more! She is a fan of what we are doing with Spread The Positive and was willing to jump on the podcast! Looking forward to hearing more of her story and all the ways she is living out the Spread The Positive mission!    

Tylor Gentry and the Puppy Podcast of the World

Oh snap we are back with a special edition of the Spread The Positive Podcast! Long time friend, fellow podcaster on the STP Network, OG supporter of all things Spread The Positive, a serial entrepreneur, founder of Ambition Threads, Father of Cami Rooski’s Father (Murphy), and all around legend…the one and only Tylor Gentry is in the building! We got our pups with us. We are going to attempt at having them on the pod for a second we will see how that goes! But listen in for all the awesome stuff that Tylor is doing and the future collabs …

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All Things Parenting

Welcome back to the 11th Hour Podcast with Pastor Mike! Today he is speaking about parenting and how to navigate this crazy world with your kids. Listen in for all the tangible takeaways and Godly advice from Pastor Mike himself! As always be sure to like, follow, subscribe, and leave a 5 star review!   

Jody Powers – Liberty’s Station and Amelia’s Closet Update

Welcome back to the STP Podcast today we have Jody Powers in studio! Jody is the founder of Amelia’s Closet and Liberty’s Station! Today we are talking about all things Liberty’s Station and how they are very close to being officially open! They are having a big recruitment event this Friday and Saturday at Liberty’s Station! Listen in to hear all about the event and how you can support!   Liberty’s Station Amelia’s Closet    

Blaine Little

Welcome back to the STP Podcast! Got a super special guest…Blaine Little with Momentum Seminars and Coaching. He is here to discuss all the cool stuff he has going and recently published a book on management and how to avoid common mistakes! Be sure to check him out at momentumseminars.com for more information about to pick up the book!



