Let’s Talk About Passion

This week Pastor Mike speaks about “passion” and the importance of living a life of purpose! Powerful episode. Grab a note pad and a pen…your gonna need to take notes on this one! As always be sure to like, follow, subscribe, leave a five star review and share with a friend! 

Principal Dr. Theowauna Hatchett Joins the 11th Hour

Welcome back to the 11th Hour Podcast! This episode features a really special guest…Principal Theowauna Hatchett of LaVergne High School! Listen in as Pastor Mike and Dr. Hatchett talk about all things community and leading the youth of today!     

Kedrick Howse, MBA – Boys & Girls Club Rutherford County

Welcome back to the 11th Hour Podcast with Pastor Mike. This week we have special guest Kedrick Howse, the Unit Director for the Boys & Girls Club of Rutherford County! Kedrick has a real passion for the Community and has a really cool story that led him to the work he is doing. Kedrick is a staple in this community and doing a lot to shape the youth with the work he is doing at the Boys & Girls Club! Great conversation and a great example of what we are about here at the 11th Hour!

The Women Nourishing the Community Series! January 2022 Recipient is…

It brings us great pleasure to present another really amazing example of “Women Nourishing The Community”. As always the biggest shout-out goes to the whole team at Nourish Food Banks for the partnership on this series! They really do Nourish our community in an amazing way! Thank you to Ladawna Parham for her leadership and commitment to helping as much as she possibly can! It’s very inspiring and such an awesome example of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive! We have a really amazing recipient this month! Vicki Sheridan is the Assistant Vice President /Office Manager at …

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Manhood Restored

Today we are talking about manhood and the importance of men stepping up in the lives of their families. Pastor Mike has some really good insights on how to make this more prevalent in our society. Listen in for all the greatness! 

Coach Mike Voss Joins The 11th Hour

This episode of the 11th Hour features Pastor Mike sitting down with the Head Basketball Coach of Riverdale High School, Coach Mike Voss! They talk about Coach Voss’s journey to Riverdale, the importance of coaching in today’s environment, youth in general, community and much more! Listen in for the full story! 

The Waviest Ones – Mr. 110 and Rambo Lee the Chief

Super special episode of the STP Podcast with a returning guest and his right hand man in the music game. Without further adieu we have Mr. 110 and Rambo Lee the Chief aka The Waviest Ones joining the show. Their latest project “The Waviest Ones” is out now and they have some big stuff planned for 2022. Y’all tune in for all of the details! 

The 4 P’s – Positions

In this episode Pastor Mike speaks about the final P in his 4 P’s series. The final P is Positions. The people in our lives, lead us to the places we go, the places we go lead to the possessions we obtain, and the possessions allow us to be in the positions. The four P’s all work together and can be a positive or a negative! Be sure to keep your 4 Ps on point. 

John Pitts – @pittspreneur

This episode of the STP Podcast features John Pitts aka @pittspreneur! John is a young entrepreneur with a ton of great insights into the world of investing, crypto currency, NFTs, Web 3.0 and more! He is also a full time employee at Ed Farm, a Nonprofit backed by Apple that is designed to help educate the youth on coding and all things tech! John is a really sharp guy and is doing big things. Be sure to give him a follow on all socials @pittspreneur! 

Brandi Mosby and Jessica White – Center of Opportunity

On this episode of the STP Podcast Trent sits down with Brandi Mosby and Jessica White to discuss some really cool programs and curriculums that they have created to help teens and young adults learn more about financial literacy, taxes, real estate, and more life skills! It’s called the Center of Opportunity and they are doing some really amazing work! Thanks for being on ladies! 



