Melissa Bollea Rowe – Rhyme Partners

This episode features Melissa Bollea Rowe. Melissa has a really amazing story and a deep passion for songwriting and songwriters. She has worked for companies like Great American Country and in 2013 started her songwriting and publishing company, Rhyme Partners. Over the years she has published hundreds of songs and connected with some of the most amazing songwriters on the planet. Listen in for the full story! 

Dr. Hood and John Pitts

This episode of the Spread The Positive podcast features two really amazing guests, Dr. Anthony Hood and John Pitts. Dr. Hood is the EVP and Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer for First Horizon Bank! He is passionate about lifting up communities and bringing financial literacy to the masses. John Pitts is a young entrepreneur that is doing some really amazing work and is working for Dr. Hood as his videographer/content creator. Both of these guys are doing absolutely amazing work and helping people be better. Definitely great examples of what’s going right! Huge thank you to Dr. Hood and …

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Women Nourishing The Community Series! The June Winner is…

Spread the Positive and Nourish Food Bank are proud to present June’s Nourishing Women in Our Community Award to Stephanie Brackman, Chief Operating Officer of the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce. Stephanie is the Director of the Leadership Rutherford Adult and Youth Programs and the President of the Board of Directors for the Tennessee Chamber of Commerce Executives, as well as a member of the American Chamber of Commerce Executives and a graduate of the Institute of Organization Management, Leadership Middle Tennessee and Leadership Rutherford. In 2020, Stephanie was honored with the University of Tennessee at Martin’s WestStar leadership program’s …

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JaQuan LaGrand

This week’s episode is really special. I sit down with an incredible young man that has overcome insurmountable odds and a ton of adversity to complete high school and be on his way to earning a degree in computer science. JaQuan LaGrand has an absolutely amazing story and is a textbook definition of everything we are looking to bring light to. Listen in for his full story and if you are able to support his cause of getting a vehicle to attend college then please do so at the Go Fund Me link below. Thank you for being on man …

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Afraid of the Doctor – Melissa Hogan and Meghan Marsac

This episode of the STP Podcast features an interview with Melissa Hogan and Meghan Marsac, the co-authors of Afraid of the Doctor: Every Parent’s Guide to Preventing and Managing Medical Trauma. Both Melissa and Meghan are passionate about bringing more awareness to medical trauma and helping parents with the skills to help their children navigate the scary world of going to the Doctor. Definitely a great example of “what’s going right”. Listen in and pre-order the book. It’s out on July 16th!

Women Nourishing The Community Series Continues! May Winner is…

t brings us great pleasure to present another really amazing example of “Women Nourishing The Community”. As always the biggest shout out goes to the whole team at Nourish Food Banks for the partnership on this series! They really do Nourish our community in an amazing way! Thank you to Ladawna Parham for her leadership and commitment to helping as much as she possibly can! It’s very inspiring and such an awesome example of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive! This month’s recipient is a great example of all things Spread The Positive and is definitely pouring …

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Chris Sanders – Former Tennessee Titan, Speaker Coach, Counselor, and more

This episode of the podcast features the one and only, Chris Sanders. Chris is a former NFL player that had a great career with the Tennessee Oilers/Titans! Listen in to hear a story of perseverance and determination. He has overcome some really crazy adversity and definitely has some great insights on the typical STP topics. Listen in for the full story and to hear what Chris is up to now!  Awesome episode! You don’t want to miss this one!                                             …

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Joshua Rosales – Break Thru Nashville

This episode Joshua Rosales speaks about all the amazing work he is doing through the nonprofit he founded. Break-Thru Nashville distributes over 30,000 boxes of food/resources to the people that need it. Listen in to hear about Josh’s story and what led to all of the great things he is doing!

Women Nourishing The Community Series April Winner!

We are super excited to announce the latest winner of the “Women Nourishing The Community” series! In partnership with the great folks at Nourish Food Banks, this award series is dedicated to showcasing amazing women in our community that are doing awesome work in our local communities! This month’s recipient is definitely a great example of all things Spread The Positive and is very active in her community giving back to multiple causes that are making a positive impact in our community. Without further adieu, the April 2021 recipient for the Women Nourishing The Community Award is Dana Womack! Congrats Dana! …

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Ambrose Leburu – DOERZ Motivation

This episode of the podcast is with Ambrose Leburu! Ambrose has a crazy, awesome, story and is definitely a great example of all things STP. He is a personal trainer and a gym acquisition consultant! His energy and mission are super in line with the mission of STP. Listen in to hear all about Ambrose, what led to the creation of DOERZ Motivation, and his plans for what’s next! 



