Triangulation of Greatness – Vol 2. – Tylor Gentry and Copernicus Johnson

This episode of the podcast is another follow up with two of the biggest advocates and supporters of Spread The Positive…Copernicus Johnson and Tylor Gentry! We recorded this episode right in the middle of the nationwide protest around the murder of George Floyd. It was an emotional time for all of us and we took the time to jump on the mics and get some of our thoughts out and recorded. Super grateful for both of these guys and being able to have these conversations. We are all in this together and all truly want the same thing. The turmoil …

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Jesse Cruz – Author, Coach, Veteran, Advocate, Mentor

This episode of the podcast is with Jesse Cruz. Jesse is a really awesome example of everything we are about with Spread The Positive. He works with at-risk youth, he is a mentor, advocate and role model for kids in his community. He is also a published author and is actively working towards building up his community one person at a time. Super grateful to have crossed paths with Jesse. He is definitely living out the mission of STP on a crazy level. Thank you for being on and all you are doing to Spread The Positive Jesse!

Netiya Owens – Royal Massage And Yoga Lounge

This episode of the podcast is with Netiya Owens! Netiya is a Certified Nurse, currently works as a nurse analyst and stepped into the entrepreneurial space by opening Royal Massage & Yoga Lounge! Netiya has a very profound journey that led her to opening Royal Massage & Yoga Lounge. Yoga and meditation has played a huge role in her overall health and has helped through some unimaginably difficult times. Her story in general is really amazing and inspiring to say the least. Netiya has some really great insights on the typical STP topics and has a very community oriented approach …

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JD Deckard – LFCMT

This episode of the podcast is with JD Deckard. JD is the founder of LFCMT, a group of dedicated fans of Liverpool Football Club that gather in Murfreesboro, TN to watch every match they play. They are passionate not only about “upping the reds” and cheering on their beloved football team they also are passionate about coming together to support really amazing causes in their local community! With the return of Premiere League happening tomorrow we felt it fitting to release this episode with JD explaining the story and overall mission of LFCMT. The sense of community and acceptance that …

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Nancy Nuñez – Beautiful Imperfect Soul, Hopeful Romantic Soul

This episode of the podcast is with Nancy Nuñez. Nancy is a published author and just an all around amazing example of STP. She is passionate about bringing positivity to the forefront. She is active in the Grand Running Club based out of West Hollywood and is actively looking to build up the people around her. Both of her poetry books “Hopeful Romantic Soul” and “Beautiful Imperfect Soul” are based around finding love inside oneself. She is constantly providing positive, uplifting content on all her social media platforms and just really embodies the overall spirit of what we are looking …

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Cynthia Cummins – Kindred San Fransisco Homes

This episode of the podcast is with Cynthia Cummins. Cynthia is a top Realtor and mindful living expert in San Francisco, with 3 decades of hard-won wisdom on everything to do with home and real estate. Cynthia’s blog – – addresses the deeper meanings of home and real estate, and her perspectives on that subject shed new light on a topic that’s usually reduced to a recitation of statistics and top-ten tips for the homeowner. It was really awesome hearing Cynthia speak on the typical STP topics. She is a great all around example of everything we are trying …

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Provide & Protect Video Explanation and Message of Love & Acceptance

This is a video about the “Provide & Protect Challenge” we are doing in honor of Father’s Day! In partnership with Legacy Ink Design we are super excited to be honoring the Fathers and Father Figures that are out here providing and protecting the ones they love! In the video founder of Spread The Positive, Trent Denson explains the meaning behind the challenge and expresses that people are encouraged to nominate the single mothers, coaches, teachers, mentors, etc in addition to all of the amazing Fathers that all play a role in providing and protecting! In addition this video is …

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H2Confident – Hannah Kelly & Harley Bell

This episode of the podcast is with Hannah Kelly and Harley Bell. These two amazing ladies have joined forces to create H2Confident, a six week health and fitness challenge designed to empower women and men to become the best versions of themselves and to become more confident by maintaining a sustainable, healthy lifestyle, eating to fuel your body without drastic restrictions and getting active in a way that people enjoy. Both of these ladies have been through a lot to get to this place in their fitness journey. They have worked extremely hard and have created these amazing challenges that …

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Derek Stone – Author, Entrepreneur, Speaker

This episode of the podcast is with Derek Stone! For years Derek Stone had dreams of becoming a musician. This road didn’t lead him to success, however, it led him to Nashville, TN. Struggling to live as a starving artist with a family to feed, it was then he thought “there’s got to be a better way.” He went through an early life crisis, changing careers with the help of mentors and watching YouTube. He took his God-given talent of Creativity and transferred it from being something you hear to something that you can see. As it turned out, the …

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Women Nourishing The Community Series! 100 Women Who Care (Rutherford County)

It brings us great pleasure to present another really amazing example of “Women Nourishing The Community”. As always the biggest shout out goes to the whole team at Nourish Food Banks for the partnership on this series! They really do Nourish our community in an amazing way! Thank you to Ladawna Parham for her leadership and commitment to helping as much as she possibly can! It’s very inspiring and such an awesome example of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive! But without further adieu this month’s winner of the “Women Nourishing the Community” is…the founding members of …

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