Women Nourishing the Community Series – September 2021 Recipient

It brings us great pleasure to present another really amazing example of “Women Nourishing The Community”. As always the biggest shout-out goes to the whole team at Nourish Food Banks for the partnership on this series! They really do Nourish our community in an amazing way! Thank you to Ladawna Parham for her leadership and commitment to helping as much as she possibly can! It’s very inspiring and such an awesome example of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive! We have a really amazing recipient this month! The September 2021 recipient is Angela Lyles. Angela is a …

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Jon Wolfe

This episode features Jon Wolfe. Jon is a singer/songwriter, artist, performer, entrepreneur, and much more! His latest project Dos Corazones came out September 1st and it’s truly amazing! The story behind the album is even cooler. This guy is a true country artist through and through. He has a really interesting story that led him to this point. Listen in for the whole story and all the insider information about Dos Corazones! Be sure to check out the new album on all major streaming services.  Dos Corazones – Spotify Link

Women Nourishing The Community Series! August 2021 Recipient Is…

It brings us great pleasure to present another really amazing example of “Women Nourishing The Community”. As always the biggest shout-out goes to the whole team at Nourish Food Banks for the partnership on this series! They really do Nourish our community in an amazing way! Thank you to Ladawna Parham for her leadership and commitment to helping as much as she possibly can! It’s very inspiring and such an awesome example of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive! This month we recognize the one and only, Angela Bingham! Ms. Bingham serves our community in countless ways. …

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What is the 11th Hour?

Join Pastor Mike on the first episode of the 11th Hour Podcast where he speaks about the goals of this podcast and all people can expect! Listen in for the full story! 

Welcome to The 11th Hour

Welcome to the 11th Hour Podcast with Pastor Mike Davis as he does a quick interview with Trent Denson founder of Spread The Positive. Laying the foundation of what to expect with the 11th Hour and what Pastor Mike is looking to do with the show! 

Derek Trainer – The Trainer Group

This week Derek Trainer joins the show! Derek is a super successful Realtor and a great all-around example of all things Spread The Positive. Genuinely positive, upbeat, friendly, and a very active member in the community! We talk about his back story, how he established his real estate operation (recently having his wife Bethany join the team), and how he maintains a positive outlook in difficult situations. Be sure to check out trainergrouptn.com for more information! 

Women Nourishing the Community Series July Winners are…

It brings us great pleasure to present another really amazing example of “Women Nourishing The Community”. As always the biggest shout-out goes to the whole team at Nourish Food Banks for the partnership on this series! They really do Nourish our community in an amazing way! Thank you to Ladawna Parham for her leadership and commitment to helping as much as she possibly can! It’s very inspiring and such an awesome example of everything we are about here at Spread The Positive! This month’s recipients are Lacey Garret and Kirby Dudley the two founders of Garage Barre & Bike in …

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Laura Dahl – Broker Music City Experts

This week we have a special episode of the MCE Broker Bites Podcast. It’s actually a crossover dual podcast with Trent Denson of Spread The Positive. The producer for the MCEBB podcast and an agent at Music City Experts as well. Listen in for Laura’s story, how she got to this point, and all the amazing things she does for people! Laura’s passion for what she does and how she serves is truly amazing. She definitely lives out the mission of STP on a crazy level! 



