The “Women Nourishing Our Community” Series is back! January’s Recipient is…

We are so excited to get the “Women Nourishing Our Community” series back ramped up with 2020! The whole purpose of this award is to recognize amazing ladies that are doing incredible work in their personal and professional lives! The recipient for January 2020 is super deserving of this award and lives out the Spread The Positive/Nourishing The Community mission better than most! Super excited to present Molly Brown with this award this month! Molly is the owner of Hello Beautiful, a clothing boutique in Murfreesboro, TN. She does “Give Back Tuesday” on a weekly basis where she donates a …

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October “Women Nourishing our Community” Recipient!

Really excited to announce the winner of the “Women Nourishing Our Community Award” for October! This lady is a member of the STP Network and an all-around great example of everything we are about with Spread The Positive! October’s recipient of this award is none other than Missy Lay! Missy Lay, the owner of Wild Goose Chase Events, does so much for this community. When she is not running a small business that provides entertainment for birthdays, groups and businesses, she also works for Rutherford CABLE, an organization dedicated to advancing women across our community. For the past two years, …

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Spread The Positive Presents…”Women Nourishing Our Community Spotlight”

Women Nourishing Our Community Spotlight We are really excited to announce a new segment we are starting with Ladawna Parham, the Director of Nourish Food Bank called, “Nourishing Women in Our Community”. The premise is to bring light to women that are doing incredible work and living out the Spread The Positive mission! We are really excited about partnering with Ladawna and some other really amazing ladies to help grow this initiative! We are looking for people to submit nominees for this moving forward. There will be a page and contact form where people will be able to send in …

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